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Showing posts from 2017


Sometimes, lack of experience and talent is no longer what receives your CV evicted, however the use of clichéd phrases and phrases that make hiring managers cringe. While it is essential that you use buzzwords to highlight your abilities and competencies, you need to be cautious how you use them. If a recruiter or hiring manager opens your CV and it is no exclusive from that of the previous person, you can be positive he will leap past it. He needs to see the strong point in you. He also desires to be convinced that you are the proper candidate, and a bunch of repetitive jargons won’t do the magic. Here are 5 worst overused buzzwords you should banish from your CV: 1.  “I AM EXTRAORDINARILY MOTIVATED” Motivated to do what? Almost every jobseeker consider themselves motivated, so 90% of CVs hiring managers come throughout include this phrase. If you need to show off this on your CV as a strong skill, be specific and actually show what you mean. For example, you can discuss about how ke

Courses are open for students wishing to study in turkey... for a year

Courses are open for students wishing to study in turkey... for a year.. You will have to pay 30% of 7900.. every year.. and if you are a good student in your first semester. then you wont have to even a tution fees any more.. This is to inform you that discount %30 off tuition fee is now available for all international students admitted in 2017-2018 academic year to the following faculties/ programs: 1. Faculty of Educational Sciences (available in English only,  Beşiktaş main campus) • Computer Education and Instructional Technologies • Psychological Counseling and Guidance • English Language Teaching • Preschool Education 2. Faculty of Communication (available in English only, Galata campus in Karaköy) • Digital Game Design • Cartoons and Animation • Photography and Video • Communication Design • Public Relations • Advertising • Cinema and Television • New Media • 3. Faculty of Health Sciences (available in Turkish only, Beşiktaş North campus) • Nutrition and Diet